And it's a funny idea to learn

Cats are incredible and unique creatures. Mysterious, brilliant, selfish and independent, they want to be permanently the center of the world in the home. And of course we do all the goodies. Of course, we can not do otherwise.
And where we think we know all about them, we realize that we will never know them. This is even one of their good. We searched for a lot of things we did not know about these evil four-legged ladies. See 10 of these.
1. A cat is faster than the fastest man in the world.

2. Cats can drink sea water. Unlike humans, cat's kidneys can filter salt.

3. Cats have no sense of sweet taste. Scientists believe this is because of a mutation in the sweet taste.

4. A cat can jump 5-7 times its length with a jump.

5. Each cat's nose is unique, such as fingerprinting in humans.

6. Cats can not see just below their nose. That's why they may not see the food right in front of them.

7. Tesla had the idea of studying electricity after a static electric shock that his cat provoked.

8. A cat spends much of her sleeping life. A cat, for example, 9 years has passed 6 of these years embrace with Morpheus.

9. In the authentic version of Cinderella, the good fairy was a cat.

10. The more you talk to your cat, the more you will talk to her either by whining or trying to imitate the human voice.
