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How dogs help children with reading problems


With incredible results

We all know the great health benefits we have with a pet. Dogs - and less other animals - can be treated in many ways. Or they can dramatically improve a problem we may have.

by Myrto Tzortzou,

In difficult cases, specially trained dogs are used, termed dog dogs. Dogs-healing can become angel-guards not only in adults but also in children with problems, whether they are physical or mental. With spectacular results.

The use of treatment dogs in children with behavioral, reading and communication issues began in America in 1999 with Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ) dogs.

These dogs, with their mild and tranquil character, helped and continue to help young pupils who have a reading problem and need to be confident. Their presence alone supports them and creates a safe environment for them. Dogs are present without judging and without having any requirement. This is the secret of the whole process.

In the UK, there are quite a few schools that have such programs with dog-therapy. In two kindergartens in the province of West Midlands there is the program called reading dog program and it is exactly what it says: Dogs that help students in reading.

These programs last about 6 weeks. The dogs sit next to the kids and watch the reading. They can also make their walks in the room. The results are spectacular. What does it like most about small students from all this process? The fact that dogs do not fight, judge or interrupt them. Indeed, the fear of failure has been greatly reduced. That is, if they make a mistake, they will not be bothered.

Reading with the dog can prove to be very helpful for children with dyslexia. These children need focused support to help them understand the correspondence of sounds with spelling choices.





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